Styling Your Decorative Lighting Showroom For Maximum Sales

Thursday, 7 September 2023
an image of an orange light bulb
If you run or own a decorative lighting showroom, you will know that the way products look and are displayed in-store can have a huge effect on sales. Retail customers are very much buying with their eyes so the way you display stock will absolutely have an impact on the amount of product sold.  

In this blog, we look at some effective tips and tricks for styling decorative lighting for maximum sales.  

The Psychology Of Retail Store Design  

The psychology of retail store design you say? That may sound a little airy fairy but it’s a very real factor in influencing a customer's buying decision.  

From encouraging them to pick a single product to a customer deciding if they like your store at all, psychology plays a key part in how you lay out your retail store and arrange products.  

Customers are more likely to stay in your shop for longer and buy products if the store is arranged in a way that welcomes them in, showcases products at their best, and highlights how products can be used.  

This is particularly important for homeware retailers and shops that sell decorative lighting because people want to see how a product might look in their own home. Some customers may have a better ability to visualise how a product will work at home, but most people like a little bit of a visual example.  
an image of a shop sign saying open

Decorative Lighting In Showrooms  

First of all, we would like to mention that styling your decorative lighting isn't easy – styling any retail product is a job for someone who has an eye for design or the ability to visualise how customers will use products.  

This is made trickier for decorative lighting because the product is extremely difficult to display on shelves.  
Perhaps table lamps can go on shelves but products such as pendant lights and wall lights, need to be hung or displayed in the same manner they would be used in someone's home.  

Depending on the size of your store, there are a few different ways you can display retail lighting to give customers the best view of the product.  

Ways To Style Decorative Lighting Stores  

An effective way to display lighting is by setting up mock home scenes in your home, depending on the size of your store, you may only be able to fit in one home mock-up, but it will still give a customer the vision in their mind that your product belongs in their home.  

How do you go about staging home scenes? Well, let your creative juices flow and find ways to stage a home setting! First, choose what room you want to stage – a lounge scene for example and then arrange a few bits of furniture to represent a lounge – a cosy armchair, a side table, a rug, a vase of flowers. For a backdrop to your ‘room’ you can use large boards and apply wallpaper – wall boards will come in handy for displaying wall lights. Next, you need to find a way to fix a pendant lighting above your cosy scene, and you can also add a floor lamp and table lamp. This method will give your customers a good idea of what lighting will look like in their homes.  

If you don’t have room to set up mock living spaces, lighting can be very effectively displayed on ceiling and wall grids.  
Ceiling grids are usually installed by shop fitters as you will need your frames to be strong and have a source of power. 

When you are arranging ceiling pendants try to group them together, either by style or by what room a customer would likely use them in.  

Wall grids or boards are a great way to display wall lights and can be as simple as a metal frame, or you could use wallpapered or coloured boards to, again, give the suggestion of a home setting. You can even get busy and use a tiled board to display bathroom lights – the possibilities are endless.  

For table lamps, these can be displayed on shelves, or you could use pieces of furniture you would find in a home to display clusters of lamps, a coffee table for example, or a low sideboard.  

Additional Tips For Styling Decorative Lighting  

However you choose to style your decorative lighting to maximise sales, there are a few obvious but basic things to remember:  
  • Display lights turned on to show their full potential  
  • Don’t leave display lights without bulbs  
  • Ensure display lights and bulbs are all cleaned regularly  
  • Think about low hanging pendants or trailing wires! 

Another little trick to help maximise sales is to have additional products a customer may need near the checkout – lightbulbs being the most obvious choice!  

Can All Of This Really Maximise Sales? 

The answer is yes, the design of a retail store and how you display products absolutely can and does influence customers.  

According to Display Mode, studies found that 76% of a buying decision is made in store, whilst a customer moves around the shop! It is therefore crucial that your store is well laid out, makes logical sense, and displays products at their best.  

If your store is cluttered with lighting still in the packaging, stacked up on shelves, you really will be missing out on sales!  

Searchlight Trade Lighting Showroom  

Why not pop into our trade showroom to see how we do things? Our Manchester showroom is open Monday – Friday, 10am – 4pm.  

Or, if you’re looking for a great selection of lighting to stock your retail store, download our catalogue 