Expand Your Decorative Lighting Range: How To Choose New Products

Donnerstag, 17. August 2023
Are you looking to expand your decorative lighting range but not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we have you covered. Just keep reading to discover our tips for sourcing new wholesale lighting and expanding your product range.

6 Ways You Can Source New Decorative Lighting Ranges 

Look For Trends 
Looking into decorative lighting trends for the current year to make an assessment of what customers are buying and compare these items to your existing stock. There are official sources for lighting trends, coming from industry reports and events but you can also make your own assessment of current trends, there are a couple of ways to do this.
You could ask your customers what they would like to see more of and what trends they are loving at the moment. You can also look for interior trends on social media and look what styles of lighting are being used. Instagram and Pinterest are great for this! Do be a little bit cautious when jumping on trends though – is the trend likely to be a quick one? Or will it last? You don’t want to rush into buying stock for a particular item and then it be deemed ‘over’ in just a few months!

Stock Gap Analysis 
You can find out exactly where you need to expand your decorative lighting range by checking your own stock for any gaps. What aren’t you offering that you could potentially sell? Do you sell ceiling lights but offer no wall lights? Do you not offer lamps? Or do you sell a variety of the same product? For example, do you offer ceiling pendants but no option for customers looking for flush ceiling lights?

Also look for products that you can offer as additional extras at check out for customers such as light bulbs, or any cables, or extensions they might need. The decorative lighting category could also extend to items such as lampshades and replacement parts for existing fixtures.

Attend Industry Events 
Industry events are a great way to look at what is new on the market, pick up inspiration and even get exclusive deals on wholesale lighting. Whilst there isn’t a tonne of dedicated lighting shows, interior shows usually have a good selection of retailers. There is a lighting show coming up this November that looks interesting – take a look at Light23.

Stock Seasonal Products 
At first, lighting may not seem seasonal…but aside from the obvious seasonal lights (Christmas and garden), trends and moods do shift with the seasons and how you present items you already sell could make a big difference to sales.
For example, you may sell table lamps year-round but people might be particularly interested in lamps during the autumn/winter period (it gets dark earlier and people want their homes to feel cosy). So, invest in new lamps during this period and promote them to your customers.

Stock Decorative Lighting Ranges For Different Rooms
When people are shopping for new lighting, they are most likely to shop by room. Instead of selling general lighting, make sure your products are well categorised and you have offerings for bathrooms and kitchens, in particular. When people buy bathroom lights, they specifically search for bathroom lights so make sure you have an adequate decorative bathroom lighting range and can meet all of your customer's needs.

Outdoor lighting is another specific category of lighting that you may want to add to your existing range. Whilst sales of outdoor lighting do peak in summer, there is also a peak in winter as people look for security lights and lighting for dark paths or doorways.

Visit A Trade Showroom 
Another great way to expand your range of decorative lighting is to visit a lighting showroom! Seeing loads of different styles of lighting on display in the same place is a great way to pick up new products and get inspired.

Our trade showroom is based in Manchester and is open Monday – Friday, 10 am – 4 pm. No appointment is necessary – just pop in and see us. Our friendly team will also be able to advise you on bestsellers and help you choose new products.

Expand Your Decorative Lighting Range With Searchlight

At Searchlight we stock hundreds of brand-new products every year so always have something new for you to choose from and extend your decorative lighting range.

Why not download our 2023 UK catalogue and take a look at some of the fantastic products we have on offer?
As we operate worldwide, you can trust us to understand the different needs of many different markets. And as a one-stop-shop for wholesale decorative lighting, our customer service is unbeatable – if you have any questions about expanding your range or any of our products, simply get in touch and we’ll be happy to help out.