How the right lighting can save a business money

mercredi 14 septembre 2022


With the current energy crisis causing concern and worry for all in the UK, many businesses will be considering measures to cut their energy usage and keep their bills  as low as possible. While the budget is tight, small businesses can make very small but effective changes to help reduce their energy costs. Since lighting plays such an important role in creating a working environment, this should be the first area to see change. Investing in modern, energy efficient lighting provides a simple solution for saving energy.


The difference lighting can make 

Your choice in lighting can make a big difference to the energy efficiency of your business. Having an impact both on your energy bills but your company’s carbon footprint. Not only can these decisions minimise the impact on your budget but may even improve your brand’s reputation. Choosing to switch to energy efficient lighting, you will be taking steps to improve the sustainability of your business which could attract the attention of new customers.


Are LED bulbs energy saving? 

LED bulbs are one of the most effective ways to improve the efficiency of your lighting.
Switching to LED bulbs from traditional lamps can save up to 75% of energy. On average an LED light bulb costs around £1.70 per year to run, whereas traditional halogen bulbs can cost up to 5 times this amount. Not only will upgrading to LED bulbs help to cut your energy bills, but they offer a range of other benefits too.


For example:
  • LED bulbs are easier to maintain
  • They last longer than traditional bulbs
  • LEDs are typically smaller and can fit into the majority of light fixtures
  • LED lights are available in a variety of styles, such as strip LED lights, LED wall lights, and LED ceiling spot lights
  • LED lights can also be dimmed, helping to control your usage by limiting the brightness of your lights


Energy saving tips for businesses 

For businesses looking to reduce their energy usage in a time of rising energy costs, we have provided some incredibly useful tips for saving energy in the workplace.


  1. Switch off your lights when you are not using them. If this is difficult to control, particularly if your workplace is occupied at various times throughout the day, consider timed lighting. You can also consider dimmer switches and motion lighting to have greater control over your usage.
  1. For those offices with the regular 9-5 working hours, making use of natural lighting is the best way to reduce your energy usage. Turning off the lighting completely and enjoying the brightness and warmth of the daylight will not only cut your costs but help boost morale amongst the team. It’s been proven that exposure to natural light can boost production of serotonin.
  1. Review the placement of lights in your business and consider if they are all necessary. You may find you have gone overboard with the number of lighting fixtures and may need to reconsider.
  1. If you have noticed your lights seem dim or you find yourself turning on many light fixtures to brighten a room, you may simply need to upgrade your bulbs or clean your shades to ensure the light provides the most impact.
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