How To Help Your Customers Save Energy With Decorative Lighting

Donnerstag, 2. März 2023

Decorative lighting is a popular way to add something to your home or your business. Whether you’re decorating during the holidays or want to add a more natural brightness.

Whichever your reason, having decorative lights is actually more common than you may first think. One of its only issues, however, is that they can burn a significantly large amount of energy in your home.

So if you’re feeling conscientious of the world you live in and are trying to save energy, you might ignore decorative lights. But you don’t have to. With energy-efficient decorative lighting, you can spruce up your home or business the way you want to.

The Right Bulbs

Have you ever wondered what difference something as simple as a light bulb can make to your energy bill? At Searchlight we are exploring how choosing the right light bulbs can make that difference. Especially as many of our wholesale customers, and the wider population, face the challenge of the rising energy costs.

Keeping those costs down is a priority. Improving the energy efficiency of your home or business is just a good bonus.

Bulb Energy Efficiency

The energy efficiency of light bulbs is measured in lumens per Watt (lm/W). The higher the number, the more efficient a bulb is. Generally, energy-saving light bulbs have a lumen output of somewhere between 80lm/W to 90lm/W.

Now, if you don’t really keep up with the numbers side of it all, just know that that’s pretty good. Specifically when considering how incandescent light bulbs have a lm output of around 17lm/W to 24lm/W. Not only do they use more energy, but they also don’t even last as long. In contrast to an energy-efficient light bulb’s 10,000 hour lifespan, incandescent light bulbs only offer 1,000 hours.

And the best part is that there are more energy efficiency bulbs now than before, offering longer life spans, different amounts of lights and different tones. So when you upgrade your company’s light bulbs, there’s many different options for you to explore.

What Types of Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Are Available?

There may be a wider range of energy efficient light bulbs to choose from now for your home or business, but you want that choice to be right for you. That’s not even diving into the different benefits each light bulb offers.

  • LED Bulbs
These are the most energy efficient bulbs on the market currently. The lumens output is about 100lm/W which puts them at a higher average energy efficient rate in comparison to incandescent bulbs. They also have a greater life span, lasting for up to 50 times longer than incandescent bulbs.

LED are even quite versatile. They can be fitted in almost all kinds of lighting fixtures – ceiling lights, wall lights.

  • CFL Bulbs
Also having high lumens outputs – estimated 70lm/W to 80lm/W – puts CFL bulbs as another popular choice for businesses. Even though they last only a little while shorter than LED bulbs, it’s still good to have CFL ones. They do last for 8,000 hours, after all.

  • Halogen Bulbs
Now, Halogen bulbs do use the same technology as traditional light bulbs but they run at a higher temperature. These are energy-saving options most popular as ceiling spotlights. Which is what makes them so great for office spaces and physically small businesses where floor lamps act as potential hazards.

In the home, they’re especially popular in the kitchen and bathroom. Two rooms of the house which typically need the most well-angled light and a clutter-free floor space.

What Benefits Do Energy-Saving Bulbs Have?

Alongside the longer lifespan, energy-saving lightbulbs offer many benefits.

  • Reduced Energy Costs
Because they use less power than traditional bulbs, they really help to lower your energy bills.

  • Improve Cash Flow
Their prolonged life means that they improve your cash flow. With energy efficient light bulbs, the amount you spend on replacing incandescent bulbs each year is reduced. For businesses who have a high energy usage each year, this is something that can really make a difference for your business.

It also makes a difference in homes during the current challenges caused by the cost of living.

  • Improving the Environment
A longer life with a simultaneous reduction in energy use promotes sustainability. These energy efficient light bulbs can do their small part in helping the environment by reducing carbon footprints. So for companies who have ‘reduce our carbon footprint’ as one of their main priorities or general aims, these bulbs are a gift.

  • Lighting Quality Improvement
Higher lumen output doesn’t just indicate that the bulbs are great at reducing the amount of energy used. It also means that they have a better quality of light than traditional bulbs. Basically, they are perfect for the workplace where staff productivity is heavily correlated with good lighting.

How To Save Energy With Decorative Lighting

When it comes down to it, the easiest and quickest way to reduce the price of your energy bill is to turn off the lights. That simple. You don’t need them on if you’re not there in that space, being productive.

You should also make sure you’ve acknowledged every light in the room. This can be a bit trickier when in a naturally lit office space because distinguishing lights that are turned on or off can be challenging. Instead, you should always be aware of all the lights, including desk or table lights, and turn them all off.

Switches in easy to reach places! Not everyone is your height! Switches need to be in a place that’s easy for everyone to reach so that whoever is last out of the door can turn off the lights. In situations where this may not be possible, maybe due to the design of the building or a dangerous workplace, having the lights on a timed system would work. That way, they would definitely be going off and coming back on at a controlled time. Times when you know workers have all left and haven’t arrived yet.

Something else to remember when it comes to saving energy is the dressing of the window. Believe it or not, they matter.

Darker shades will absorb light just as they will heat. Potentially, they’re great for saving energy on heating, but now you can’t see too great. A lighter shade is the best option. But if you are looking to save on heating, too, then keep the dark shades. Just make sure they’re completely open during the time the lights are on.

How To Switch To Energy Efficient Bulbs

We understand that reducing your business’s energy usage and overall cost is important. It can help you reach certain goals you have. Actually making that switch is much simpler and easier than you might think. Here’s some tips:

  • Assess Current Needs: What lightbulbs are you currently using in your business or in your home? Are there areas that need lighting the most – could you switch to energy-saving bulbs there?
  • Make The Switch: You’ve decided upon bulbs and chose the best one for you. All you have to do is just replace your traditional bulbs with your new energy-saving ones. But do be sure to throw the light bulbs out as you’re supposed to!
  • Other Ways to Save Energy: Energy-saving light bulbs aren’t the only energy reduction choice you can make in your home or business. There are, still, many other ways you could opt for on top of, or instead of, energy-saving bulbs.

Reach Out To Searchlight

Any feedback, from dealers or customers, is valued and appreciated. If you have any questions that you’d like to ask us then please reach out to us.

Lichtwoche Sauerland is getting closer. It’s from the 5th – 10th March 2023, why not meet us there? Renowned manufacturers, traders, buyers, and resellers of lamps and luminaires all meet here.

You can ring us on 0161 203 3300 or visit our showroom!
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