Where To Put Decorative Lighting For Maximum Impact

13 May 2024
Image of a chandelier for where to put decorative lighting

Lighting is arguably one of the most important aspects of interior design. Where good lighting is lacking, the rest of the design features all fall through in effectiveness. It can impact the aesthetic, mood and size of a room, so knowing where to put decorative lighting is crucial. It can also manipulate your eyeline and highlight the architectural features of a building.   

When it comes to advising customers on optimising the decorative lighting in their space, there are some variables to consider. As a retailer, you should know how decorative lighting design works, and where to strategically place accent lighting so you can market your products correctly.   

Where Is Decorative Lighting Used? 

Decorative lighting is not only used to illuminate a space but is also a communication of one's style . Edgy, cool, modern, bohemian, chic, rustic... it can all be said through light! Even if a room was empty, with white walls, you could understand the creative direction someone is taking with the lighting fixtures they choose for their space.   

The role of mood lighting is to bring beauty or distinction to a room and draw attention to its grandeur. There are no limits to how lighting can be utilised in a space... both indoors and outdoors, subtle or extravagant.   

There are other design considerations your customer will need to have established before choosing where to put decorative lighting. Things like colours, textures, furniture placement, size/ height of the room and the purpose of the lighting all need to be established.  

In a kitchen, lighting is typically chosen based on functionality, whereas in a bedroom, fixtures are picked based on their aesthetic and to elevate the space.  


How Layered Lighting Works 

Layered lighting  is a decorative design technique which is quickly increasing in popularity. 

With layered lighting, more than one fixture is used in a space. Each light plays a different role in eventually upgrading the completed design plan.  

The layers of light refer to ambient light, task light and accent light. Ambient light is considered the first layer, as this is what fills a space. Task lighting plays a functional role by enhancing the activities and role of a space. The final layer, also known as accent lighting, is used to draw attention and emphasise decoration or design features.   

For a decorative lighting strategy, layered lighting is a good thing to consider because each design requirement is covered: 

  • Is the space optimised? (yes!) 
  • Is the function of a room made clear and possible? (absolutely!) 
  • Are design features highlighted and eyeline drawn to those features? (tick!) 

Understanding layered lighting is necessary, so you can accurately market the fixtures you sell. That is not to say a fixture can only play one role, some are interchangeable depending on a buyer's intentions. However, it is usually clear what layer a fixture contributes to.   

Where To Put Decorative Lighting For Maximum Impact

The purpose of  accent lighting will change depending on the role of a space. How a bedroom is lit is different to how an office is lit, which is comparatively different to how a restaurant is lit.   

As a retailer, your stock should cater for various design requirements, so as not to limit yourself.  

In this section of the blog, we will go over how to maximise decorative lighting in different spaces.  

In A Retail Shop

Ambient lighting should be bright and inviting, while accent lights should draw attention towards displays or specific items. The lighting used should align with your brand aesthetic and be representative of your target audience's style. Strategic decorative lighting can intrigue customers and help boost sales, so it is important to get this right!  

image of a pendant spotlights for blog by Searchlight on where to put decorative lighting for maximum impact

Spotlights  will be strategically placed to manipulate eyeline and elevate products. For luxury brands, long pendants or chandeliers will be used to communicate a brand’s decadence and contribute towards inviting ambient lighting.  

In A Restaurant

Depending on your restaurant's vibe, family-friendly, decadent, and romantic, the lighting should assist with this.
In many cases, restaurants will use ambient lighting to control the atmosphere. Dimmer switches are commonly used to alter the lighting based on the time of day. Task lighting will be used to  illuminate tables   with a simple, warm glow. Accent lighting may be used on the back of bar shelving to highlight specific products.   

In An Office

Decorative lighting in an office space should promote productivity and contribute to the working environment. Designers should also consider that in workspaces, people are likely looking at screens all day, so overbearing lighting can cause headaches. On the flip side, dim lighting can leave workers feeling unstimulated and cranky.   

LED ceiling panels  can help fill a space with ambient light, while desk lights can illuminate an individual space, supporting its function while also allowing people to control their individual space.   

In A Home

Image of a long pendant for blog by Searchlight on where to put decorative lighting for maximum impact

Decorative lighting in a home contributes to its unique design. While serving the primary function of brightening a space, it can also enhance the decor and add personality.   

Long pendants  next to a staircase can demonstrate the height of a ceiling and emphasise the size of a home. Task lighting, wall lights or  table lamps  , are used at the bedside, gradually dimming a space before sleep and supporting reading in bed.  Floor-length lamps  in a living room can provide light to dull corners and be a focal point of a room.   


Creating An Impact With Searchlight 

We hope this blog has been a useful tool for where to position decorative lighting to create impact.  

The important takeaway to remember is how you can use layered lighting to support the function of a space and what style and vibe will be created.  

Since 1945, Searchlight  has been a trusted wholesaler, supplying retailers globally. Our impressive range of decorative lighting features ceiling lights, wall lights, outdoor lighting, floor lamps, table lamps and more.  

With a wide range of products  to choose from, the team at Searchlight have worked to simplify your buyer experience. We ensure our stock is always maintained, and direct deliveries can be made anywhere  

Shop our decorative lighting  ranges now or feel free to get in contact  with any questions about how we can support your business. 
